[JAVA] Paging 모델 및 소스 (Mybatis)
1. 모델 PageNavigation.java
@Data public class PageNavigation { private int pageNo = 1; private int pageSize = 20; private int blockSize = 10; private int firstPageNo = 1; private int lastPageNo; private List<Integer> pageList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); private int totalCount; private int previousPage = 1; private int nextPage; public PageNavigation() {
} /** * 1. 리스트의 전체크기 필요 * 2. pageSize 필요 * 3. lastPageNo = totalPage * 4. 전체가 0일 때 : pageSize = 1 * 5. 전체가 나누어 안떨어질 때 : totalPage에 1개를 더해야함 * 6. 나누어 떨어질 때 : totalPage * * @param totalCount : list의 전체 크기 * @param pageNo : 페이지 번호 ex : 1 2 3 * @param pageSize : 한페이지당 보여주는 크기 */ public PageNavigation(int totalCount, int pageNo, int pageSize) { // 1. 현재 페이지 설정 this.pageNo = pageNo; int totalPage = 1; // 2. pageSize설정 this.setPageSize(pageSize); totalPage = totalCount / this.pageSize; // 나누어 떨어지지 않는 경우 1를 더해서 꽉 차지 않은 페이지도 보여야함 int extraPages = totalCount % pageSize; if (extraPages > 0) { totalPage += 1; } this.totalCount = totalCount; // 3.전체 페이지가 0인 경우 1로 하여 빈 페이지라도 표출 if (totalCount == 0) { totalPage = 1; } // 4. 버튼 설정 <<, < , > , >> this.setLastPageNo(totalPage); this.setFirstPageNo(pageNo, blockSize); this.setPreviousPage(this.firstPageNo); this.setNext(this.firstPageNo, this.lastPageNo, blockSize); // 5. block의 시작페이지를 값으로 paging list생성 this.setPageList(); } private void setPageSize(int pageSize) { // 0으로 나눌 수 없으니 0일경우 1로 변경 if (pageSize <= 0) { this.pageSize = 1; } else { this.pageSize = pageSize; } } private void setLastPageNo(int totalPage) { this.lastPageNo = totalPage; } private void setFirstPageNo(int pageNo, int blockSize) { this.firstPageNo = (pageNo - 1) / blockSize; this.firstPageNo *= blockSize; this.firstPageNo += 1; } private void setPreviousPage(int firstPageNo) { if (firstPageNo > 1) { this.previousPage = firstPageNo - blockSize; } } private void setNext(int firstPageNo, int lastPageNo, int blockSize) { this.nextPage = firstPageNo + blockSize; if (this.nextPage > lastPageNo) { this.nextPage = lastPageNo; } } private void setPageList() { int endOfBlock = this.firstPageNo + this.blockSize; if (endOfBlock > this.lastPageNo) { endOfBlock = this.lastPageNo + 1; } for (int i = this.firstPageNo; i < endOfBlock; i++) { this.pageList.add(i); } } } |
2. 컨트롤러 SiteController.java
@GetMapping("/home") public ModelAndView index(@ModelAttribute AccountUserSearchOption accountUserSearchOption) { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("htmlstudy"); if(accountUserSearchOption.getPageNo()==0) { accountUserSearchOption.setPageNo(1); } if(accountUserSearchOption.getPageSize()==0) { accountUserSearchOption.setPageSize(20); } AccountUserCollection accountUserCollection = accountUserService.getAccountUserCollection(accountUserSearchOption);
mav.addObject("accountUserCollection",accountUserCollection); return mav; } |
/** * parameter AccountUserSearchOption */ public AccountUserCollection getAccountUserCollection(AccountUserSearchOption accountUserSearchOption) {
AccountUserCollection accountUserCollection = new AccountUserCollection();
//accountUserCountByPaing int accountUserCount = accountUserMapper.selectAccountUserCount(accountUserSearchOption);
//accountUserListByPaging List<AccountUser> accountUserList = accountUserMapper.seelctAccountUserList(accountUserSearchOption);
//pageNation PageNavigation pageNavigation = new PageNavigation(accountUserCount, accountUserSearchOption.getPageNo(), accountUserSearchOption.getPageSize());
accountUserCollection.setAccountUserList(accountUserList); accountUserCollection.setPageNavigation(pageNavigation);
return accountUserCollection; } |
4. 맵퍼 AccountUserMapper.java
//xml public int selectAccountUserCount(AccountUserSearchOption accountUserSearchOption); //xml public List<AccountUser> seelctAccountUserList(AccountUserSearchOption accountUserSearchOption); |
5. XML AccountUserMapper.xml
<select id="selectAccountUserCount" parameterType="AccountUserSearchOption" resultType="int"> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM account_user WHERE 1=1 <include refid="searchOption"></include> </select> <select id="seelctAccountUserList" parameterType="AccountUserSearchOption" resultType="AccountUser"> SELECT * FROM account_user WHERE 1=1 <include refid="searchOption"></include> ORDER BY idx DESC LIMIT #{limitStartNum} , #{pageSize} </select> <sql id="searchOption"> <if test='userId !=null and userId !=""'> AND userId LIKE concat('%',#{userId},'%') </if> </sql> |